CREATE-X Demo Day Ends and New Decade of Startup Launch Begins

CREATE-X hosted its 11th Demo Day at Georgia Tech on Aug. 29, showcasing 100 startups and kicking off its new application season, with the program having grown to over 32,000 participants and 560 startup teams launched, totaling a portfolio valuation exce
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CREATE-X Demo Day Ends and New Decade of Startup Launch Begins - Cloned

CREATE-X hosted its 11th Demo Day at Georgia Tech on Aug. 29, showcasing 100 startups and kicking off its new application season, with the program having grown to over 32,000 participants and 560 startup teams launched, totaling a portfolio valuation exce
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CREATE-X Demo Day Ends and New Decade of Startup Launch Begins

CREATE-X hosted its 11th Demo Day at Georgia Tech on Aug. 29, showcasing 100 startups and kicking off its new application season, with the program having grown to over 32,000 participants and 560 startup teams launched, totaling a portfolio valuation exce
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Iterating Better Therapy Support: Electrosuit

Electrosuit, a startup by Aubrey Hall and Sherya Chakraborty, secured third place in the Spring 2024 I2P Showcase, and their product, a garment for at-home electrical stimulation, targets individuals with chronic pain or motor impairments.
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The FinTech Gap: Dolfin Solutions Rises

First-year computer science majors Marianna Cao, James Gao, and Jaeheon Shim, share their experience in building Dolfin Solutions, is a personal financial management platform.
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CREATE-X: A Decade of Success

Georgia Tech's CREATE-X program, bolstered by generous philanthropic support, celebrates 10 years of building entrepreneurial confidence in students.
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CREATE-X Alumnus Launches to Acquisition

Parth Arora, Georgia Tech computer science senior and founder of Third Dimension Fitness, leveraged his entrepreneurial skills and CREATE-X’s resources to grow his startup, leading to its acquisition by Elbo as he prepares to join Apple’s VisionPro team.
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