New Georgia Tech Ventures Launch Aug. 29. 

Secure Your Spot to Witness Them at Demo Day Today!

Get Involved With CREATE-X Through Upcoming Events!


Meet this year’s cohort of exceptional students, faculty, alumni, and researchers launching impactful startups at this signature Georgia Tech exhibition, which attracted over 1,500 attendees last year and showcased nearly 100 startups with solutions in health, fashion, technology, and more. This year marks a decade of transforming exceptional students into impactful startup founders creating $2B+ in startup valuations. Celebrate this milestone with us and witness new breakthroughs and pioneering solutions brought to life by our talented community.  

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CREATE-X gives students every advantage it can to help support them in launching their products. Our program is built with the flexibility to meet their needs, whether they need instruction in the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, the resources to develop products, or a driven, business minded community with which to build and connect. Regardless of the pathway they take, we want all Georgia Tech students to be equipped with business know-how and the confidence that brings because of that spirit will prepare them to impact the world in the way they dream.

2024 marks the 10th year of CREATE-X. Watch the video to see what our 10th batch of founders had to say about their experience in the program. 

CREATE-X at Georgia Tech

CREATE-X is a Georgia Tech initiative to instill entrepreneurial confidence in students and empower them to launch successful startups.

By the Numbers

majors represented
students involved
student startups created
total valuation of startups

Our Programs

CREATE-X is organized into three categories: LEARN, MAKE and LAUNCH. These entrepreneurship programs are open to all students, from incoming freshmen and undergraduate students of all years, to masters and Ph.D. students. Georgia Tech faculty, researchers, and alumni may also participate through our Launch program. 


The CREATE-X LEARN element consists of a class that exposes students to startup concepts and teaches them the methodology of evidence-based entrepreneurship. Through LEARN, Startup Lab gives students a zero risk opportunity to examine their startup ideas within the context of their formal education and enables them to identify business failures in the lab instead of in the market.


The CREATE-X MAKE element consists of a set of research and prototyping classes that enable students to overcome technology barriers that might lie in the way of them launching a successful venture. Through MAKE, Idea to Prototype and CREATE-X Capstone provide students with prototyping grants, mentorship, and curricular credit as they create intellectual property and build prototypes toward their venture idea.


The CREATE-X LAUNCH element consists of a program for students and alumni who want to launch their projects from idea stage (or beyond) into fully functioning and viable startups. Through LAUNCH, Startup Launch provides teams with $5,000 in seed funding and $30,000 worth of in-kind services, including legal and accounting services, coaching, space, mentorship, visibility, and IP protection.

"CREATE-X is working to establish Georgia Tech as the number one startup campus in the nation with the most funded student startup enterprises."

Rahul Saxena
Director, CREATE-X

Recent News

Electrosuit, a startup by Aubrey Hall and Sherya Chakraborty, secured third place in the Spring 2024 I2P Showcase, and their product, a garment for at-home electrical stimulation, targets individuals with chronic pain or motor impairments.

First-year computer science majors Marianna Cao, James Gao, and Jaeheon Shim, share their experience in building Dolfin Solutions, is a personal financial management platform.

Samuel “Sam” Porta, Startup Launch alumnus and founder of Queues, recently placed 10th in a World Series of Poker event.

Georgia Tech's CREATE-X program, bolstered by generous philanthropic support, celebrates 10 years of building entrepreneurial confidence in students.


There are currently no scheduled events.
