
CREATE-X is a Georgia Tech initiative to instill entrepreneurial confidence in students and empower them to launch successful startups.

The broader goal of this initiative is to provide the knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences that will give Georgia Tech graduates the confidence to create their own future and confidently pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.

CREATE-X at Georgia Tech

Core Values

Experiential Education

All key elements of CREATE-X are curricular – students receive credit that counts toward graduation. In addition, students explore entrepreneurship through the ultimate experiential learning mode – launching their own startups with seed funding, legal assistance, and intensive coaching.

Entrepreneurial Confidence

CREATE-X provides the knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences that give Georgia Tech graduates the confidence to create their own future and confidently pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.

Real-world Impact

The emphasis in CREATE-X programs is on “Impact Startups,” or in other words, startups that are likely to have long-term impact as opposed to only short-term gain.

Georgia Tech
students involved
majors represented
startups created
total valuation of startups
Startup Launch 2019
Startups with one or more female founders
Startups with one or more founders from an underrepresented minority group


In 2014, with the early support of Georgia Institute of Technology leadership and seed gifts from alumni donor Chris Klaus and the Marcus Foundation, CREATE-X began as an educational program aimed at instilling entrepreneurial confidence in students and empowering them to launch successful startups. During the first year, CREATE-X served eight teams and 30 students.

The overall entrepreneurial confidence initiative is a pathway, consisting of undergraduate and graduate curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities that, in total, give all interested students, regardless of major or year of study, the skills to value and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities that are real, not theoretical; in short, CREATE-X will enable students to be “entrepreneurially confident.” 

Throughout the years there have been significant positive outcomes, such as helping create hundreds of jobs for Georgia Tech students who have served thousands of clients and customers, that have validated the impact of the initiative. As CREATE-X continues to grow, the initiative is working to establish Georgia Tech as the number one startup campus in the nation with the most funded student startup enterprises.


CREATE-X consists of three distinct, programmatic elements: LEARN-MAKE-LAUNCH.


CREATE-X regularly hosts workshops including Meet Your Co-Founder, Legal Buzz, Startup Spotlight, and Startup Ideas.